Constantly struggling to implement AdMob ads into my iOS app manually but no luck - I have inserted GoogleMobileAds.framework in project folder where the ViewController.swift and AppDelegate.swift was & added all required frameworks under 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries', changed Bitcode to 'NO' in Build Settings

Typed 'import GoogleMobileAds' in ViewControllerSwift.swift but it states 'No such module GoogleMobileAds'

What am I missing here? Im using XCode 8.3.3 and Swift 3

  • If you would try to use PODs everything will work for you. Have you try that ?
    – OhadM
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 6:42

2 Answers 2


Admob is part of Firebase now so install pod files below and then try to import GoogleMobileAds

pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/AdMob'
  • Can you guide me step by step? Thanks in advance
    – 7rs7
    Commented Jun 17, 2017 at 11:40


Read the manuals more carefully

  1. install cocoapods https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html

$ sudo gem install cocoapods


$ cd your-project directory
$ pod init
  1. Edit PodFile: add this code inside target rows
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Admob'


$ pod install
$ open your-project.xcworkspace

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