I have a problem while using the below

  DECLARE @ChargeID       INT
  DECLARE @FineTypeID       INT
  DECLARE @AmountDB       MONEY
  DECLARE @userID       INT
  DECLARE @Counter      INT

SELECT @ChargeID=Fine.Charge_Id, @FineTypeID=Fine.FineType_Id, @AmountDB = Fine.Amount , @AmountJSON = JSON.Amount, @userID = JSON.user_id
   FROM Fine  
   WITH(Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int)AS JSON
   WHERE Fine.Charge_Id =JSON.Charge_Id and Fine.FineType_Id= JSON.FineType_Id and Fine.DateExpired IS NULL

     IF @ChargeID IS NULL AND @FineTypeID IS NULL  --if fine type and charge id are returned null insert new row
       INSERT INTO  Fine (Charge_Id,Amount,FineType_Id,user_id)
       SELECT *
       FROM OPENJSON(@JSON,'$.amounts') 
       WITH(Charge_Id int , Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int )AS JSON
    ELSE-- Check if amount is the same if yes do not update current record and enter a new one
      IF @AmountDB <> @AmountJSON
          UPDATE Fine set DateExpired= GETDATE(), ExpiryDescription ='Updated by'+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), JSON.user_id)
            FROM OPENJSON(@JSON,'$.amounts') 
            WITH(Charge_Id int , Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int )AS JSON
            WHERE Fine.Charge_Id =JSON.Charge_Id and Fine.FineType_Id=JSON.FineType_Id

            INSERT INTO  Fine (Charge_Id,Amount,FineType_Id,user_id)
            SELECT *
            FROM OPENJSON(@JSON,'$.amounts') 
            WITH(Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int)AS JSON

Abviously the vairables example @chargeID is being overwritten by the last element in the json file. This works

FROM OPENJSON(@JSON,'$.amounts[0]') 
WITH(Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int)AS JSON

I wish to do something like the below but with a counter instead since the JSON file is not always the same. It might have only one element and teh above will work correctly but if it has 4 elements it does not work

FROM OPENJSON(@JSON,'$.amounts[+'@Counter'+]') 
WITH(Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int)AS JSON

But this fire an error. JSON being passed is like the below

>  "amounts": [
>     {
>       "Charge_Id": "368",
>       "Amount": "800",
>       "FineType_Id": 3,
>       "user_id": 2
>     },
>     {
>       "Charge_Id": "368",
>       "Amount": "600",
>       "FineType_Id": 4,
>       "user_id": 2
>     }   ]

Please help

  • What is the purpose of the `@counter' variable? What is the end goal for you trying to use it? There may well be a better way to do what you are after is you explain a little around why you are doing what you are doing
    – iamdave
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 10:59
  • Hi, the counter variable will be filled with the count of elements in the amounts array in the json. The amounts at the moment has 2 elements but it may have one , five elements etc. So I need to make a while in the sql to loop through the different elements Commented May 17, 2017 at 11:17
  • For what purpose? Are you trying to populate the @counter with the number of records in the JSON or only return specific records from the JSON?
    – iamdave
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 11:19
  • When you say Make a while loop in the sql to loop through the different elements what are you trying to actually achieve? In SQL you try to never* use loops, especially when iterating over a dataset.
    – iamdave
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 11:24

1 Answer 1


If I understand your comments correctly, you don't actually want to pull out a specific item from your json, you want to do something to every record that is returned.

If this is correct, you just need to use SQL in the set based way that it was designed. For example, this script returns an additional column that checks if the value in the Amount column is less than 700 or not:

declare @JSON nvarchar(max)
declare @counter int

set @JSON ='{ 
     "amounts": [
  "Charge_Id": "368",
  "Amount": "800",
  "FineType_Id": 3,
  "user_id": 2
  "Charge_Id": "368",
  "Amount": "400",
  "FineType_Id": 4,
  "user_id": 2

select j.*
        ,case when j.Amount < 700
                then 'Less than £700'
                else 'Not less than £700'
                end as col
from openjson(@JSON,'$.amounts') with (Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int) as j;

Which outputs:

| Charge_Id | Amount | FineType_Id | user_id |        col        |
|       368 | 800.00 |           3 |       2 | Not less than 700 |
|       368 | 400.00 |           4 |       2 | Less than 700     |

If you are looking to do some update, insert or delete operations based on the json data, you can also do these in the normal SQL set based way.

If you need to do some additional filtering on your json data, you can just put a where clause in as you would any other query. Changing your script to the following will only return a row for the records with a FineType_id of 3:

select j.*
        ,case when j.Amount < 700
                then 'Less than 700'
                else 'Not less than 700'
                end as col
from openjson(@JSON,'$.amounts') with (Charge_Id int, Amount money, FineType_Id int, user_id int) as j
where j.FineType_id = 3;
  • Thanks for the answer.And how can I place a variable in the openjson(@JSON,'$.amounts['+@counter+']') without any error since I need to know this also please if you could help Commented May 17, 2017 at 12:49
  • Why do you need to know this? What are you trying to achieve by doing so?
    – iamdave
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 12:57
  • I will update my question above. Thanks for helping me re this issue Commented May 17, 2017 at 13:03

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