I'm trying to register and later discover a custom jmDNS service type, in part it works well but I can't extract the port number or host from the received data. It comes as 0 as host as null.

Service registration:

// Register a service
ServiceInfo serviceInfo = ServiceInfo.create("_myservice._tcp.local.", "example", 8888, "path=index.html");

Listener for service discovery:

public void serviceAdded(ServiceEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Service added: " + event.getInfo());
        ServiceInfo info = event.getInfo();
        int port = info.getPort();
        System.out.println("Port: " + port);

If I change the same code to use type _http it gets the port number correctly.

Is the usage of the port limited to certain types?

1 Answer 1


Posting here for future reference. This was due to the version used.

Had to use a different repository with newer versions.

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