I have recently enabled outOfOrder in my Flyway config to solve some merge conflicts. The problem is when I run migrate all my scripts get executed and in status it shows OutOfOrder.

I want to know does OutOfOrder mean success state ?

1 Answer 1


Yes, that is a successfully applied migration.

See MigrationState#OUT_OF_ORDER for a bit more detail.

     * <p>This migration succeeded.</p>
     * <p>
     * This migration succeeded, but it was applied out of order.
     * Rerunning the entire migration history might produce different results!
     * </p>
    OUT_OF_ORDER("OutOrdr", true, true, false)

     * Creates a new MigrationState.
     * @param displayName The name suitable for display to the end-user.
     * @param resolved   Flag indicating if this migration is available on the classpath or not.
     * @param applied     Flag indicating if this migration has been applied or not.
     * @param failed      Flag indicating if this migration has failed when it was applied or not.
    MigrationState(String displayName, boolean resolved, boolean applied, boolean failed) {

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