It seems I've cloned the project by clicking Team -> Git -> Clone and then entering the url and my credentials and clicking next till the end, but the folder in my Netbeans is a sibling folder to the src folder I want to be working in.

The folder open in my Netbeans is in ~/project/newProjectFolder but I want to be working in ~/project/src.

When I click File -> Open Project, I can't click on the src folder to open up my project.

What I want is to be able to open this project from git and make some edits to it, within Netbeans.

1 Answer 1


In Netbeans git clone wizard on 3rd screen you can customize where the project will be cloned. If you leave default settings it will create new folder with the name of the repository inside your projects folder.

This is equivalent to:

cd ~/project
git clone [email protected]:XXX/newProjectFolder.git

Project is inside newProjectFolder.

If you select ~/project as Parent Directory and src as Clone Name you will clone project to src folder. This is equivalent to:

cd ~/project
git clone [email protected]:XXX/newProjectFolder.git src

Project is inside src.

If project doesn't contain Netbeans meta folder then you have to create new project with option ... with existing sources and select ~/project/src.

netbeans git clone

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