Is there an Android UI Library that has components like Action Bars and Dashboards? A lot of new applications seem to have these components, so I was hoping there was a solution available (either free or paid).

6 Answers 6


Also have a look at GreenDroid which allows you to implement e.g. the action bar.

  • 1
    I cannot recommend GreenDroid highly enough. Very well thought out library.
    – jamesh
    Commented May 17, 2011 at 17:33

Not that I know of. Your best bet is to look at an app like iosched and see how the components are implemented. It probably wouldn't be too hard to create an action bar and dashboard as a reusable widget, but as far as I know, no one has done so yet.

  • 2
    +1 The Google IO schedule app is a great resource for those UI components - I used it for many of my apps.
    – Josh Clemm
    Commented Nov 16, 2010 at 17:11


Take a look at the link above for one of the best action bar libraries I have come across so far. Its quite straight forward to use.


In short: No! There is no such library to create a dashboard or actionbar in a short way.

In this video Android UI design patterns, however, developers state in Q&A part that they may release a library to achieve those UI design patterns in the future.

Until then you need to design and implement your dashboard and stuff. I strongly recommend to checkout and take a look the code at iosched as Eric already mentioned. There is a beautiful dashboard implemented.

You can also use DroidDraw to design and implement UI views easily by drag&drop. DroidDraw can also then export your design to android xml file.

Hope that helps


Yes, there is. DroidUX is a UI/UX component library with ActionBars, Dashboard, GalleryFlow, Wheel, ScrollableTab, and other components/widgets that you can easily use to build the UI for your app.

Check it out at www.droidux.com.

  • 3
    It comes with a high price tag for an indie developer to subscribe to, don't you think? Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 19:43

If you want external library You might be interested to have a look at ActionBarSherlock library. But android.support.v7 libraries ActionBarCompact componnt can also do this job without an external library.

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