I forgot how many times I opened the file but I need to close them I added the txt.close and txt_again.close after I opened it at least 2 times

I'm following Zed A. Shaw Learn Python The Hard Way

#imports argv library from system package
from sys import argv
    #sets Variable name/how you will access it
script, filename = argv
    #opens the given file from the terminal
txt = open(filename)
    #prints out the file name that was given in the terminal
print "Here's your file %r:" % filename
    #prints out the text from the given file
print txt.read()
#prefered method
    #you input which file you want to open and read 
print "Type the filename again:"
    #gets the name of the file from the user
file_again = raw_input("> ")
    #opens the file given by the user
txt_again = open(file_again)
    #prints the file given by the user
print txt_again.read()

1 Answer 1


In order to prevent such things, it is better to always open the file using Context Manager with like:

with open(my_file) as f:
    # do something on file object `f`

This way you need not to worry about closing it explicitly.


  1. In case of exception raised within with, Python will take care of closing the file.
  2. No need to explicitly mention the close().
  3. Much more readable in knowing the scope/usage of opened file.

Refer: PEP 343 -- The "with" Statement. Also check Trying to understand python with statement and context managers to know more about them.


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