Is it possible to change with my android App, Cognito user pool user status from FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD to CONFIRMED? or from RESET_REQUIRED to CONFIRMED? If yes which API call can I use? In fact, I imported users to Cognito and I don't find a way or any example on how to turn them to CONFIRMED status using my App. Thanks

  • Using the adminSetUserPassword to set a temporary password on user in RESET_REQUIRED will change them to FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD.
    – tschumann
    Commented Jul 19, 2021 at 5:09

2 Answers 2


To change the cognito user pool user status from FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD to CONFIRMED-

1.with aws-cli:

  • get a session token with the temporary password

    aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id us-west-2_xxxxxxx --client-id xxxxxxx --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=xxx,PASSWORD=xxx
  • set new password with the session token

    aws cognito-idp admin-respond-to-auth-challenge --user-pool-id xxxx --client-id xxxx --challenge-name NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED --challenge-responses NEW_PASSWORD=xxx,USERNAME=xxx --session session_key_from_previous_token

2.with aws-sdk:

  • get a session token with the temporary password

       AuthFlow: 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 
       ClientId: 'xxx', 
       UserPoolId: 'xxx', 
         { USERNAME: 'xxx', PASSWORD: 'temporary_password' } 
    },  function(err, data) {
      if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
      else     console.log(data);           // successful response
  • set new password with the session token

    var params = {
      ChallengeName: 'NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED', 
      ClientId: 'xxxx',
      ChallengeResponses: {
      USERNAME: 'xxx',
      NEW_PASSWORD: 'xxx'
    Session: 'session_key_from_previous_token'
    cognitoidentityserviceprovider.respondToAuthChallenge(params,   function(err, data) {
       if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
       else     console.log(data);           // successful response

Note: If get an error about "Unable to verify secret hash for client", create another app client without a secret and use that.

  • 1
    I used the aws-cli method given here to move my test user from FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE to CONFIRMED. Thanks for the answer. I think the original poster should consider marking this answer correct.
    – mmachenry
    Commented Sep 17, 2019 at 19:11

To change the status of the user you just need to go through the respective flows. To change FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD to CONFIRMED, you would need to use the one time password and login and change your password. For RESET_REQUIRED, you would need to use the Forgot Password flow and that will change the status to CONFIRMED.


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