Is there any high-level framework for WebSocket server in ASP.Net Core apps?

I saw the basic websocket support via Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.Server nuget described on the net and SO questions. Is there something more high-level? SignalR would be a great example, but it's planned for 2017. Is there something available right now?

  • 1
    You can use the nuget package CI feed to reference alpha package of signalr and websoket, take a look on signalr GitHub repo Commented Oct 14, 2016 at 6:25
  • 1
    Not yet, coming soon
    – davidfowl
    Commented Oct 15, 2016 at 8:11

1 Answer 1



Efficient, has Hub and groups just like SignalIR does, and most importantly it does not force you to use a particular message format or JSON. You can adapt any protocol you like, and I use it for JSON-RPC


A decent implementation. It's very well documented and there is a blogpost explaining how to re-create it yourself. The disadvantage is that it forces you to use JSON and a spesific message format, which is not ideal if you have other clients that aren't .Net


This a server that does not rely on ASP.NET Core, it is just a websocket server and that's it - no REST, serving files, etc. This can be important if you are looking to add websocket connectivity to an application that has nothing to do with being a webserver, like a game. Starcraft uses websockets and protobuff for bot and AI development. This does work with unity. There is currently a discussion about .Net Core compatiability, but I believe it's not quite done yet.

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