I am new to bash and commandline, a friend adviced me to use Bash with Cmder so I downloaded it here : http://cmder.net/ (mini)

The problem is, that when I open it it emulates the standard command prompt and not Bash. I can't find where I can configure it.

When I say Bash I mean Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10.


4 Answers 4


Here's how I did it:

in Settings, Tasks I added a "bash::ubuntu" task which I launch with :

%windir%\system32\bash.exe -cur_console:pm:/mnt

(paste it in the big box in the lower right corner)

I even set up its icon with :

-icon "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\lxss\bash.ico"

(paste it in "Task parameter".)

And it works like a charm, I even set up a personnalised palette locked to bash::ubuntu (using Ap Distinct) that looks like the purple terminal from ubuntu.

BTW the latest version of ConEmu has already bash.exe setup under Bash::bash.

Here's how it looks for me

  • This no longer works or it doesn't work for me. I don't understand why it isn't working but it completely ignores this startup task and refuses to use Ubuntu, refuses to go to the home ~ folder and refuses to use the icon. I don't get why. Commented May 6, 2020 at 14:06
  • The same settings still work for me, cf. i.sstatic.net/Ch1UA.png But I use directly Ubuntu for Windos or Mintty now so I've not kept up with it. My Cmder version is 161206 Commented Jun 22, 2021 at 10:21

Support for the new Windows 10 bash shell is a closed issue now.
Setting could be done this way:

You make a new task called Bash::Ubuntu

Task parameters:

/icon "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\lxss\bash.ico"


cmd /k "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\bash.exe" -new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%

Then you make a new task called Bash::Ubuntu as Admin

Task parameters same as before Commands:

*cmd /k "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\bash.exe" -new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%

2018/7/2 no extra setting need with the latest version of Cmder(v1.3.6) and Win10(17134) with WSL(Windows subsystem Linux).

enter image description here


The Windows bash.exe is located in C:\Windows\System32, all you need to do from cmder shell is to use the full path:


You can type bash in your terminal to switch to the bash mode

exit to exit

same sh for shell

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