I am working on a rdlc report.I use full width(7.6 inch) of rdlc.when i check it in pdf format using crome browser I see exactly what i design in rdlc where there is no margin.I set all margin 0 using report properties option. But problem happens when i print that report,i am getting extra one inch margin around my rdlc content which is not in there when i see it in pdf view.

How can i get rid of that extra margin or reduce that margin or control that margin? is there any way to control it or set print page margin from the code?

2 Answers 2


Your print setup and properties needs configuration. i think this post is useful Every Other Page Is Blank


i use chrome print dialog for print.there i find a option "Fit to Page" under "Options".I unchecked that option.Then my report is stretches according to page size and take full width of my page and this is what I want.

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