I have three tables:

table "package"
package_id      int(10)        primary key, auto-increment
package_name    varchar(255)
price           decimal(10,2)

table "zones"
zone_id         varchar(32)    primary key (ex of data: A1, Z2, E3, etc)

table "package_zones"
package_id     int(10)
zone_id        varchar(32)

What I'm trying to do is return all the information in package table PLUS a list of zones for that package. I want the list of zones sorted alphabetically and comma separated.

So the output I'm looking for is something like this:

| package_id | package_name  | price  | zone_list      |
| 1          | Red Package   | 50.00  | Z1,Z2,Z3       |
| 2          | Blue Package  | 75.00  | A2,D4,Z1,Z2    |
| 3          | Green Package | 100.00 | B4,D1,D2,X1,Z1 |

I know I could do something in PHP with the presentation layer to get the desired result. The problem is, I would like to be able to sort zone_list ASC or DESC or even use WHERE zone_list LIKE and so on. In order to do that, I need this done in MySQL.

I have NO idea how to even begin to tackle this. I tried using a subquery, but it kept complaining about multiple rows. I tried to concat the multiple rows into a single string, but evidently MySQL doesn't like this.

Thanks in advance.


Here is the solution for those who are interested:

    GROUP_CONCAT(`zones`.`zone` ORDER BY `zones`.`zone` ASC SEPARATOR ','  )  as `zone_list`
    (`zones`,`ao_package_zones`) ON (`zones`.`zone_id` = `package_zones`.`zone_id` AND `package_zones`.`package_id` = `package`.`package_id`)
  • use group by with group_concat on zone field
    – Haim Evgi
    Commented Oct 14, 2010 at 17:17
  • I used your question updated part select roles.*, GROUP_CONCAT(rp.permission_id SEPARATOR ',') as permission_ids from roles join role_permissions rp on roles.id = rp.role_id GROUP BY roles.id. works Commented Sep 14, 2021 at 9:57

2 Answers 2


by using the GROUP_CONCAT() function and a GROUP BY call. here's an example query

   GROUP_CONCAT(pz.zone_id SEPARATOR ',') as zone_list 
   package p 
LEFT JOIN package_zone pz ON p.package_id = pz.package_id 

you should still be able to order by zone_id s (or zone_list), and instead of using LIKE, you can use WHERE zp.zone_id = 'Z1' or something similar.

  • So close. Almost there! I'd like zone_list to be sorted alphabetically. That's why I was thinking more along the lines of a subquery. Very close though. Commented Oct 14, 2010 at 18:59
  • 1
    Figured out I could put "ORDER BY" in GROUP CONCAT. so GROUP_CONCAT(pz.zone_id ORDER BY pz.zone_id ASC SEPARATOR ',') worked!!!! Commented Oct 14, 2010 at 19:06
  • Revision: did not work. It is always returning all the possible zones for each row. Each row should only return the zones for that specific package. Commented Oct 14, 2010 at 19:21
  • I figured out how to prevent the return of all possible rows. You had to do a cross join. I will put the answer in the queestion for all to see. Commented Oct 14, 2010 at 20:01
  • For anyone how wants to do it in SQL Server: stackoverflow.com/questions/6899/… Commented Oct 17, 2012 at 16:22

I have a customer who requested me to generate a query to use in a prestashop database to get the last year records from ps_orders, ps_customer tables; and one of those column was "The list of product ids in the order" from the ps_order_detail table. So, my query result was:

    o.id_order, o.reference, 
            GROUP_CONCAT(od.product_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS products 
        FROM ps_order_detail od 
        WHERE od.id_order = o.id_order 
        GROUP BY od.id_order
    ) AS product_ids,
    CONCAT(c.firstname, ' ', c.lastname) AS customer, o.current_state, o.payment, o.total_discounts, 
    o.total_discounts_tax_incl, o.total_discounts_tax_excl, o.total_paid, o.total_paid_tax_incl,
    o.total_paid_tax_excl, o.total_products, o.total_products_wt, o.total_shipping, o.total_shipping_tax_incl, 
    o.total_shipping_tax_excl, o.carrier_tax_rate, o.total_wrapping, o.total_wrapping_tax_incl, 
    o.total_wrapping_tax_excl, o.invoice_number, o.delivery_number, o.valid
FROM ps_orders o
INNER JOIN ps_customer c ON c.id_customer = o.id_customer
    o.date_add <= NOW() AND o.date_add >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL - 12 MONTH);


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