Hi I want pass the var antwoord to

opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp, antwoord);

So I can use it in the function HaalScoresOp

var antwoordenPerVraag = [2,1,3];

function haalScoresOp(item, index) {
  console.log("haal score op voor");
  console.log(item.naam, item.scores);

  console.log("haal antwoord op", antwoord);

function berekenEindresultaten(item, index) 
  var opleidingArray = VragenEnScores.vragen[index].opleidingen;
  var antwoord = "bla";
  opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp, antwoord);

  • I tried binding but this does not function.
  • I am getting antwoord is not defined as an error.
  • Where you're calling opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp, antwoord);, you're passing in the antwoord variable as a parameter - this is just a string, hence your "antwoord is not defined as an error" message. Try removing the antwoord parameter from the forEach call Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 11:38
  • 1
    antwoord in haalScoresOp() is not in scope, its local to berekenEindresultaten()
    – Alex K.
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 11:38
  • @AlexK. how do I pass it to that scope?
    – Christoph
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 11:41
  • 3
    "I also tried binding" - That should work. var params={antwoord:"bla"}; and then .forEach(haalScoresOp.bind(params)), and then this.antwoord within the function.
    – nnnnnn
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 11:43
  • @nnnnnn this seems to work!
    – Christoph
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 11:47

5 Answers 5


The way you're referencing antwoord inside haalScoresOp is invalid/nonsense/not good. You're referencing it as if it was a variable in scope… well, it's not. The function should accept it as parameter just like its other parameters:

function haalScoresOp(antwoord, item, index) {

Then you can pass it in on the caller's side:

opleidingArray.forEach(function (item, index) {
    haalScoresOp(antwoord, item, index)


opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp.bind(null, antwoord));
  • The way you are referencing haalScoresOp(antwoord, item, index) inside the forEach() is invalid/nonsense/not good. You are referencing it as if it was a variable in scope, but haalScoresOp and antwoord, are not defined inside forEach()
    – Jiren
    Commented Mar 26, 2020 at 21:44
  • 4
    They are defined in the surrounding scope though, so they are in scope.
    – deceze
    Commented Mar 27, 2020 at 7:00
  • While this is the correct answer, if you just need to access a variable inside of a forEach call you can assign the variable to the window to act as a global. Eg. window.google = google and then inside of the forEach you can use window.google
    – Grant
    Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 2:58
  • 2
    @Grant Please don’t though.
    – deceze
    Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 5:57

You can simply use :

opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp, antwoord);

And refer to antwoord inside the haalScoresOp function as follow:

function haalScoresOp(){
    var diantwoord = this.valueOf();

antwoord is passed as 'this' object to the function regarding the type


You can use the 2nd thisArg parameter of forEach to pass an object with as many parameters you like:

const antwoordenPerVraag = [2,1,3];

// Dummy `VragenEnScores` variable to test the code: 
const VragenEnScores = {
  vragen: [
    { opleidingen: [{ naam: "A", scores: 1 }] },
    { opleidingen: [{ naam: "B", scores: 2 }] },
    { opleidingen: [{ naam: "C", scores: 3 }] }


function berekenEindresultaten(item, index) {

  const opleidingArray = VragenEnScores.vragen[index].opleidingen;
  const antwoord = "bla";
  // We are going to pass an object as the 2nd argument to forEach
  // which contains custom properties and values 
  opleidingArray.forEach(haalScoresOp, { antwoord: antwoord, extra: "Yey!" });


function haalScoresOp(item, index) {
  console.log("haal score op voor");
  console.log("haal antwoord op");
  console.log("antwoord: ", this.antwoord); //=> "bla"
  console.log("extra: ", this.extra);       //=> "Yey!"

A simpler, less-bloated example to understand the concept easier:

const list = [ 11, 22, 33 ];


  // 1st Argument to forEach: callback
  function( value ){

    console.log( value );
    console.log( this.extraParameter );
  // 2nd Argument to forEach: thisArg
  { extraParameter: "extra" }


You could change the haalScoresOp function to be an anonymous function inside the berekenEindresultaten function:

var antwoordenPerVraag = [2,1,3];



function berekenEindresultaten(item, index) {
  var opleidingArray = VragenEnScores.vragen[index].opleidingen;

  var antwoord = "bla";

  opleidingArray.forEach(function(item, index){
    // score nog doorgeven aan haalscores op = het item
    console.log("haal score op voor");

    console.log("haal antwoord op");


This would keep the scope of the antwoord variable inside the berekenEindresultaten function


@deceze answered it, but struggled to follow how to apply to my code (obviously in too much of a rush). So I'll re-rig his answer slightly to show it:

function berekenEindresultaten(item, index) 
  var opleidingArray = VragenEnScores.vragen[index].opleidingen;
  var antwoord = "bla";
  opleidingArray.forEach(function (item, index) {
    haalScoresOp(antwoord, item, index)

function haalScoresOp(MyAntwoordPassedIn, item, index) {

For those interested in why (and didn't read the comments properly) - the important aspect was the function being declared inside the .forEach(). At that point the variable antwoord is still in-scope and accessible - it does not need to be passed in as a variable.

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