It takes variable number of arguments but how can i check if a particular variable argument exists like for example varargin{2} , So far I have tried using exist but maybe I am not using it correctly

function vatest(testindex,varargin)

if (exist('varargin{1}','var'))
else if (exist('varargin{2}','var'))

like for example vatest(1,2,3) should output


NOTE: I am already using nargin to get the number of inputs ,but please suggest something else than that

UPDATE: Explanation for not using a nargin

lets suppose I have a test function as above

function vatest(testindex,textindex2,textindex3,varargin)

and it does some something like

if nargin >3 
%%do something 
if nargin >4
%%do something 
if nargin >5 
%%do something 
if nargin >6 
%%do something 
if nargin >7 
%%do something 
if nargin >8 
%%do something 

and for some reason I no longer need testindex3 in the input then I have to change condition for all the if conditionsI hope it clarifies

  • I want to count only test varargin not the test index ~nargin~ already returns that Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 15:13
  • In your example, vatest(1,2,3) would output oneexist, because you check the first argument before you check the second.
    – gariepy
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 15:13
  • Makes more sense now. But do you really want a the words? That's cumbersome and just unnecessary (IMO). Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 15:30
  • Actually I wanted a solution so that I don't have to change every condition , because I removed an input from a function which was unnecessary and then had to change all the condition so needed a much simpler solution for the future Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 15:59

2 Answers 2


varargin is simply a cell array containing the inputs. Therefore, you can determine how many inputs were provided by testing it's length: numel(varargin).

exist is not really designed for this and is likely going to be much slower than simply determining the length of a known variable.

nInputs = numel(varargin)

if nInputs > 1
    disp('More than 1 input')
elseif nInputs > 0
    disp('Only 1 input')
    disp('No inputs')

Or more simply:

fprintf('%d inputs\n', numel(varargin));
  • Thanks you always amaze me with you simple solutions that sounds like a more convenient way using numel Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 15:54
  • @Umar, it looks like you are satisfied with Suever's answer. Please consider accepting it. It will make the question appear answered to anyone with a similar problem in the future, and it's a nice gesture to anyone answering your questions =) Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 7:48

YEY I finally got to use the sexist function:

function vatest(testindex,varargin)

values = {'zero','one','two', 'three', 'four'};

For some reason, you didn't want a space between "one" and "exist". So, this should do what you specified (but not necessarily what you want).

On a more serious note, I suggest switch:

function vatest(testindex, varargin)

num_argin = numel(varargin);
fprintf('%d inputs', num_argin);

switch num_argin
    case 1
        % Some code
    case 2
        % Some code
    case 3
        % Some code
        % Some code
  • Thanks for the reply but with this solution i have to define a "so_good" array ! which is very inconvenient keeping in mind that varargin denotes a variable number of inputs and using "so_good" can result in exceeding cell index Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 16:05

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