I am using Angular CLI to generate and serve projects. It seems to work well – though for my little learning projects, it produces more than I need – but that's to be expected.

I've noticed that it generates spec.ts for each Angular element in a project (Component, Service, Pipe, etc). I've searched around but have not found an explanation of what these files are for.

Are these build files which are normally hidden when using tsc? I wondered because I wanted to change the name of a poorly named Component I'd created and discovered that the name was also referenced in these spec.ts files.

import {
} from '@angular/core/testing';
import { ComponentFixture, TestComponentBuilder } from '@angular/compiler/testing';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { PovLevelComponent } from './pov-level.component';

describe('Component: PovLevel', () => {
  let builder: TestComponentBuilder;

  beforeEachProviders(() => [PovLevelComponent]);
  beforeEach(inject([TestComponentBuilder], function (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) {
    builder = tcb;

  it('should inject the component', inject([PovLevelComponent],
      (component: PovLevelComponent) => {

  it('should create the component', inject([], () => {
    return builder.createAsync(PovLevelComponentTestController)
      .then((fixture: ComponentFixture<any>) => {
        let query = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(PovLevelComponent));

  selector: 'test',
  template: `
  directives: [PovLevelComponent]
class PovLevelComponentTestController {

4 Answers 4


The spec files are unit tests for your source files. The convention for Angular applications is to have a .spec.ts file for each .ts file. They are run using the Jasmine javascript test framework through the Karma test runner (https://karma-runner.github.io/) when you use the ng test command.

You can use this for some further reading:


  • 24
    Thanks, I was wondering this myself. Suppose I don't want to run any tests, can I safely delete the .spec files? (and also the test folders and files such as the e2e folder?)
    – Kokodoko
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 16:56
  • 10
    I also feel like this question requires a little more answering. Can we just totally ignore these files and just go about our work ?
    – cah1r
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:18
  • 25
    As awiseman states, the spec files are indeed for testing of you application. If you don't want to use the test files you can simply delete or ignore them. Your project will continue to function without the spec files. Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 13:55
  • 42
    when you generate an new component with CLI you can add --spec=false to exclude the generation of a spec file. The full command for generating a new component would be: ng g component comp-name --spec=false. More info here: github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/generate-component
    – Dean
    Commented May 31, 2017 at 19:14
  • 15
    this can be disabled by modifying angular-cli.json like this: { "defaults": { "component": { "spec": false } } } Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 18:35

if you generate new angular project using "ng new", you may skip a generating of spec.ts files. For this you should apply --skip-tests option.

ng new ng-app-name --skip-tests

  • 3
    Can you set this option after the project has been generated? Commented Oct 11, 2019 at 22:39
  • @HughHughTeotl Yes for future service generation, not for the ones that already been generated. As said around: if you don't plan on testing you can delete spec.ts files manually. Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 11:32

The .spec.ts files are for unit tests for individual components. You can run Karma task runner through ng test. In order to see code coverage of unit test cases for particular components run ng test --code-coverage


.spec.ts file is used for unit testing of your application.

If you don't to get it generated just use --spec=false while creating new Component. Like this

ng generate component --spec=false mycomponentName

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