Im facing this problem when i'm installing bunder using command "bunlde install"

Initially i tried solving this issue by using following command

gem install autoprefixer-rails -v '6.2.2'

but again it said "autoprefixer-rails requires ruby version >= 2.0."

when i type

"ruby -v", my ruby version shows 2.3.0.

Next i have tried adding

ruby '2.3.0' to my gem file, then there was a conflict saying your ruby version is 1.9.3 but your gem file has 2.3.0

Need help how to proceed further.

1 Answer 1


Change your ruby version in the system first. If you using rvm then use following command.

rvm use 2.3.0

If you don't have it then install it by following command

rvm install 2.3.0

Delete the Gemfile.lock file and run

bundle install

Hopefully it will work. Thank you

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