When I try to interactively rebase (squash) several commits into one, it only ever squashes the last two commits so I end up having to do the squash several times.

I am using source tree, but I have tried doing it from the console with the same results. Any ideas?

4 Answers 4


Try -

$ git rebase -i HEAD~4


pick 01d1124 commit msg 1
squash 6340aaa commit msg 2
squash ebfd367 commit msg 3
squash 30e0ccb commit msg 4

save and quit your editor

You can do the same in Sourcetree -


  • the link you gave me is exactly the steps I take, but it squashes only the last two. The command it runs is : git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c "sequence.editor='C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\stree_gri'" -c "core.editor='C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\stree_gri'" rebase -i --autosquash 138343cf6eeb74f9f436f4f746442dfdc5213943
    – gcb
    Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 9:30
  • 1
    yeh in my office a few people have the same issue with sourcetree on windows, on Mac it doesn't seem to exist. I think I tried from the terminal and had the same problem some time ago, i'll give it a go again thanks
    – gcb
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 13:35

(Interactive) rebasing technically squashes only two commits at a time—simply because the so-called "rebase script" you're typically asked to edit before git rebase proceeds applies an action to a single commit at a time.

This does not, however, change the outcome because logically there's no difference between squashing N commits at once or doing this commit-by-commit. In your rebase script, you just pick the action "squash" (also read up on "fixup"—it's often may be more handy than "squash") for a series of adjacent commits, and then git rebase works like this:

  1. Get the commit marked "squash". Squash it to the previous commit—effectively re-writiing that with the new content applied to it (as with git apply).
  2. Given that new state, go to step 1. ;-)

Note that there's also the --squash command-line option of git merge. This one squashes several commits at once for real.


Given that your branch points to the last of the commits you want to squash you can use this trick:

git reset --soft <some older commit>
git commit --amend

You have now replaced <some older commit> with a new one containing everything between the two, plus their content.



This is exactly what interactive rebase is for.

You use the git rebase -i @~x where x stand for the number of commits you wish to squash.

Then a dialog will open up for you and you can choose commits and what you wish to do with each commit.

enter image description here

  • This is what I am doing (just through sourcetree instead). I am telling it what commits I want to squash, editing the commit message and then when it comes to doing the squash it will tell me something like "rebasing commit 6/7, rebasing commit 7/7"
    – gcb
    Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 8:18
  • Its OK, its updating all the commits in the whole chain since the committed is part of the commit information which is being calculated to the the SHA-1. so all the commits have to be updated
    – CodeWizard
    Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 8:22

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