I would like to disable the optimization of a single *.cpp file within my CMake project. I found out that CMake provides the following to achieve this:


However, this seems not to work for me. I generate a Visual Studio 2013 Project and whenever I change to 'Release' or 'RelWithDebInfo' it still fully optimizes that file as can be seen under the properties.

Does it matter where the above command is placed? I have multiple cmake files distributed over the whole project. I placed the above command directly in the cmake file where the *.cpp file gets added to the project.

Or is there any other way to tell CMake that this file should not get optimized at all?

  • 2
    It should work. The command should be placed within the same cmake file, where add_executable() / add_library() is called. See also documentation for set_source_files_properties
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Nov 5, 2015 at 9:36
  • This will append -O0 to the compile options, but if the compile is release won't you end up with both -O0 and -O3 on the command line? Commented Dec 21, 2017 at 11:59

1 Answer 1


Thanks Tsyvarev!

Indeed I had to place the command in the cmake file where the according add_library() is contained in order to make it work.

But in addition there was also a small change I had to apply: Visual Studio needs -Od (instead of -O0) to disable optimization.

So the final command for Visual Studio builds looks like this:


and this placed in the cmake file where the add_library() call is for that *.cpp file.

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