I have an app which can open a CSV file sent from an email and it display its content within the app in a different format (note that I cannot post the code used to do this).

However, every once in a while (about 2 times out of 3!), when importing a CSV from the email, the app freeze, the code is displayed as if I had a breakpoint in appDelegate, and when I press run in the debugger, the screen in Xcode becomes grey and displays the following message:

Failed to generate disassembly for stack frame because the URL cannot be translated: x-xcode-disassembly://stack_frame?

Does anyone knows what this message is and what could be the reason for it?

Note: I am using Xcode 7, and run the app in a mini iPad with iOS 9. (not simulator)

Thank you.

  • I am having same message using simulator and I am using XCode7, iOS 8.x, 9. Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 10:53
  • check this It solved my issue. Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 11:12
  • thanks, but the problem is that I can't simply check only english, as my app can in fact change languages.
    – Nitzan R
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 11:43
  • my app also include Swedish and it is working fine as well. Commented Oct 16, 2015 at 5:49
  • I did some testing. apparently, that checkbox determines the orientation of the storyboard, but my app has the Arabic & Hebrew languages, which are written right to left and they mess up my whole UI
    – Nitzan R
    Commented Oct 18, 2015 at 5:54


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