I am trying to update my code to ES6 as I am using Node 4.0 and really like its features so far. However I have problems with the new ES6 Map data structure as it behaves differently to {} when using Array as a key. I am using it as a counter map.

I run this code and I would like to know how I can use arrays as keys for the Map.

"use strict";

var a = new Map();
a.set(['x','y'], 1);

var b = {};
b[['x','y']] = 1;


It prints out the following and the first line should be 1 and not undefined:


The original JS map stringifies the key and I am not wanting to do the same type of stringify hack with the new ES6 Map.

What can I do to use arrays as keys reliably for a ES6 Map?

  • 2
    Possible duplicate of Map using tuples or objects
    – FluxLemur
    Commented Jul 8, 2019 at 21:21
  • 1
    TL;DR: Collections in JavaScript all convert array keys to Strings... Thus you have only two possibilities: A. Use strings (considering that JS collections do this anyways, if you're doing e.g. a tuple this might not be such a bad approach, i.e. key.split(",")[0] key.split(",")[1]), or B. Split the array up and map and submap its elements into each other, just like anko's answer + arrayed-keyed-map does...
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 31, 2019 at 17:37

5 Answers 5


Understand that ES2015 Map keys are compared (almost) as if with the === operator. Two array instances, even if they contain the same values, do not ever compare as === to each other.

Try this:

var a = new Map(), key = ['x', 'y'];
a.set(key, 1);

Since the Map class is intended to be usable as a base class, you could implement a subclass with an overriding .get() function, maybe.

(The "almost" in the first sentence is to reflect the fact that Map key equality comparison is done via Object.is(), which doesn't come up much in daily coding. It's essentially a third variation on equality testing in JavaScript.)

  • 2
    Thanks for the detailed answer but overriding .get() is not what I want to do
    – jimjampez
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 21:16

You need to save a reference to the non-primitive instance of Array you used as a key. Notice the difference in the following two examples:

"use strict";

var a = new Map();
a.set(['x','y'], 1);
console.log(['x','y'] === ['x','y']);

var b = new Map();
var array = ['x','y'];
b.set(array, 1);
console.log(array === array);


In case someone is looking here for a more basic approach, you can apply a custom 1-to-1 conversion of keys to strings, like in ${x}_${y} (relying on a specific structure of keys) or JSON.stringify(key) (more generic) - which by no means is a perfect solution, yet it can be most reliable in many cases.

I know the OP asked for other approaches, but I think this one still needs to be mentioned here as the most direct answer to the title question.


I also had this need, so I wrote an ISC-licensed library: array-keyed-map. You can find it on npm. I think the source is quite clear, but here's how it works anyway, for posterity:

Maintain a tree of Map objects. Each tree stores:

  • Under an internally-declared Symbol key: The value at that point in the tree (if any). The Symbol guarantees uniqueness, so no user-provided value can overwrite this key.

  • On all its other keys: all other so-far set next-trees from this tree.

For example, on akmap.set(['a', 'b'], true), the internal tree structure would be like—

  [value]: undefined
    [value]: true

Doing akmap.set(['a'], 'okay') after that would just change the value for the path at 'a':

  [value]: 'okay'
    [value]: true

To get the value for an array, iterate through the array while reading the corresponding keys off the tree. Return undefined if the tree at any point is non-existent. Finally, read the internally declared [value] symbol off the tree you've gotten to.

To delete a value for an array, do the same but delete any values under the [value]-symbol-key, and delete any child trees after the recursive step if they ended up with a size of 0.

Why a tree? Because it's very efficient when multiple arrays have the same prefixes, which is pretty typical in real-world use, for working with e.g. file paths.


I had a similar problem in my case i wanted to get something like a matrix with a given value. So my first approach was to fill the map like this.

const matrix = new Map()
const initMatrix = () => {
    for (var i = 0; i < 20 ; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
            matrix.set([i,j], Math.random() <= 0.1)

matrix.forEach((value, key) => {
    if (value){
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)";
        ctx.fillRect(key[0] * boxWidth, key[1] * boxHeight,boxWidth, boxHeight);

Everything worked fine in the beginning, but after I called the initMatrix function multiple times I fugured out, that my matrix grows after every call for 400 entries (bug? feature?). So I looked around and finally I found this site with a lot of very good solutions. But not for me :(. So after some more time I found a solution that worked for me. I just added JSON.stringify and JSON.parse to add and get the keys for the map. And that solved my problem. I hope this helps someone else to0. Maybe there are better solutions for creating a matrix but this is solution is good enough for me :). Thanks for the other posts here it saved my day :)

Here my final code:

const matrix = new Map()
const initMatrix = () => {
    for (var i = 0; i < 20 ; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
            matrix.set(JSON.stringify([i,j]), Math.random() <= 0.1)

matrix.forEach((value, jsonkey) => {
    if (value){
        const key = JSON.parse(jsonkey)
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)";
        ctx.fillRect(key[0] * boxWidth, key[1] * boxHeight,boxWidth, boxHeight);

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