If I have the next function

Stack *construct_stack(void) {
  Stack *instance = (Stack *) malloc(sizeof(Stack));

  // Stuff...

  return instance;

It's sort of "constructor". But I'v been having problems with the "destructor".

If I do this I get an error.

void destruct_stack(Stack **st) {
  // Stuff...


Some idea?

  • Why you pass pointer to pointer ? just pass a pointer and free it .
    – ameyCU
    Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 6:14
  • 1
    Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 6:14
  • 'Cause my code looks like this: Stack *s = construct_stack(); // Stuff... destruct_stack(&s); Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 6:21

2 Answers 2

void destruct_stack(Stack **st) {
  // Stuff...

  free(*st);//free the pointer which st points to
  *st = NULL;//set it to null

And You don't need to cast the result of malloc: Do I cast the result of malloc?

void destruct_stack(Stack **st)

Here st is pointer to pointer(i.e instance) to which you allocate memory (st holds address of pointer instance).

 free(st); // you didn't allocate memory to st therefore gives error

So you should free *st like this

   *st=NULL;  // just a good practice 

Or another way instead of address of the pointer(i.e &instance) you can pass the pointer instance itself and then free it but you will need to change the type of parameter which is passed to function.

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