Sometimes software installers force you to scroll to the end of the EULA before the “I agree” box is enabled. How can I produce the same effect on a web page?

  • 1
    Why would you want to do that?? No offense, but that is the most annoying and useless 'feature' ever! Commented Nov 25, 2008 at 17:14
  • 1
    I guess that is the one valid answer :) Commented Nov 25, 2008 at 17:18
  • 1
    For the record, this would drive me nuts.
    – scunliffe
    Commented Mar 6, 2009 at 21:22
  • 1
    Somehow my comment above was deleted. I answered Morten by saying that this was to fulfill a client request. Thus, his reply above. Commented Nov 2, 2009 at 15:25

3 Answers 3

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function setupPage() {
                var agreement = document.getElementById("agreetext");
                var visibleHeight = agreement.clientHeight;
                var scrollableHeight = agreement.scrollHeight;
                if (scrollableHeight > visibleHeight) {
                    var checkbox = document.getElementById("agreebox");
                    agreement.onscroll = handleScroll;

            function handleScroll() {
                var agreement = document.getElementById("agreetext");
                var visibleHeight = agreement.clientHeight;
                var scrollableHeight = agreement.scrollHeight;
                var position = agreement.scrollTop;
                if (position + visibleHeight == scrollableHeight) {
            <textarea id="agreetext" rows="8" cols="40">Long agreement</textarea>
            <input type="checkbox" id="agreebox" value="true"/> <label id="agreelabel" for="agreebox">I agree</label>
            <input type="submit" value="Continue"/>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // We put this at the end of the page rather than in an document.onload
            // because the document.onload event doesn't fire until all images have loaded.

Excellent bit of code, if you also want to change the color in the label next to the checkbox, just modify the code as follows:

function setupPage() {
    var agreement = document.getElementById("agreetext");
    var visibleHeight = agreement.clientHeight;
    var scrollableHeight = agreement.scrollHeight;
    if (scrollableHeight > visibleHeight) {
        var checkbox = document.getElementById("agreebox");
        document.getElementById("agreelabel").style.color = "#777";
        agreement.onscroll = handleScroll;

function handleScroll() {
    var agreement = document.getElementById("agreetext");
    var visibleHeight = agreement.clientHeight;
    var scrollableHeight = agreement.scrollHeight;
    var position = agreement.scrollTop;
    if (position + visibleHeight == scrollableHeight) {
        document.getElementById("agreelabel").style.color = "black";

I used a readonly textarea to display my license agreement. Note that this code will not work if the license agreement text is not long enough to make the textarea show a scroll bar.

$(function () {
    var serviceAgreementScrolled = false;
        function () {
            if (this.scrollTop + $(this).height() + 30 >= this.scrollHeight) {
                serviceAgreementScrolled = true;

        function () {
            if ($(this).is(':checked') && !serviceAgreementScrolled) {
                alert('Please scroll to read the rest of the service agreement.');
                $(this).prop('checked', false);
<textarea id="service-agreement-textarea" readonly="readonly">Long long text here</textarea>
  <input type="checkbox" id="accept-service-agreement-checkbox" />
   I accept the terms of the service agreement

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