How do i link to the modules page where all groups are listed?

I know i can link to modules.html, but this will not work if i create a format other then html (e.g. PDF).

1 Answer 1


You could create an alias for something like this:

\htmlonly<a href="modules.html">link</a>\endhtmlonly \latexonly\hyperlink{...}\endlatexonly

The problem is that the \Chapter{Modules} does not have an attached \label. Maybe you can reference the first module, since the module's individual pages provide labels.

I have not tried it for other output formats.

  • Could you elaborate? What shoud i put in for ...? There is no \Chapters or \label command. Linking to the first module will give me the Groups description page which does not help me.
    – kuga
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 6:39
  • Unfortunately, I can't tell you. I am not that deep into Latex. Doxygen does not output a \label for the Modules chapter. Maybe there is way to reference a Chapter without a label in Latex. I don't know how to do this.
    – Jonas Wolf
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 10:41

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