I am using the following query to delete multiple records except one from my table. It works well with small tables, but it got stuck when I tried it with a table that has >130000 records. The thing is, I don't even get an error. phpMyAdmin just gets stuck and the query ("loading... yellow line) basically takes forever.

My table structure

person_id (AI & PK)
person_name ( I want to delete multiple person_name records except one)


FROM `person` t1
INNER JOIN `person` t2
    ON t1.person_name = t2.person_name
    AND t1.person_id < t2.person_id;

UPDATE : I don't have an index on person table. But my three other tables (person_job & person_image, book_who_wrote_it) contains foreign keys from person table (person_id)

2 Answers 2


First, do you have an index on person(person_name, person_id)? That would be the place to start.

Deleting lots of rows incurs overhead. Often, it is faster to put the results in another table and reinsert them:

create temporary table tmp_person as
    select p.*
    from person p join
         (select person_name, max(person_id) as max_person_id
          from person
         ) pp
         on p.person_id = pp.max_person_id;

truncate table person;

insert into person
    select * from tmp_person;

Be sure you validate tmp_person before truncating person! Truncate does not log the deletion of each row, so it is much, much, much faster than delete under most circumstances.


If you really only have two columns in person, then you can simplify the first query to:

create temporary table tmp_person as
    select person_name, max(person_id) as max_person_id
    from person;
  • No, I don't have an index on person table. But my three other tables (person_job & person_image, book_who_wrote_it) contains foreign keys from person table (person_id).
    – salep
    Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 14:07
  • @salep . . . The index would help your query a lot. Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 14:15
  • It looks from the OP that he wants the maximum value of person_id (I could be wrong - or perhaps it doesn't matter?) Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 16:09
  • 1
    @DavidFaber . . . I think you are correct so I changed the answer. Commented Jan 4, 2015 at 20:12

try this

       FROM `person` t1
       where person_id not in
                  (select * from 
                      (select person_id from person group by person_name)x)

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