I have a problem with a mysql query.

These are my 2 tables:


ID |  playerid  | type | location

and users:

ID  | playername | [..]
 1  | example1   | ...

I want to insert into player_locations following:

ID |  playerid  | type | location
 1 |     1      |  5   |  DOWNTOWN

And thats my query:

INSERT INTO player_locations (id, type, location)
  SELECT u1.ID as playerid,
  FROM users u1
  INNER JOIN users u2
    ON 1 = 1
  INNER JOIN (SELECT 5 as type
        FROM DUAL) d
        FROM DUAL) d2
    ON 1 = 1
  WHERE u1.playername = "example1";

But when i have 6 rows in users it inserts 6 same rows in player_locations

  • What does your question have to do with java (tag removed)?
    – Pshemo
    Commented Dec 28, 2014 at 19:23
  • I'll use the query in java. I thought i should mention it.
    – magl1te
    Commented Dec 28, 2014 at 19:26

2 Answers 2


Why not just write this?

INSERT INTO player_locations(id, type, location)
  SELECT u.ID as playerid, 5 as type, 'DOWNTOWN' as location
  FROM users u
  WHERE u.playername = 'example1';

The self join doesn't make any sense. You are not using any information from u2 in your query, so it just multiplies the number of rows. The extra joins for constants are unnecessary.


Take the WHERE clause out, put your select inside the () on the insert and that should do it for you.

  • I need the WHERE clause because I have to get the ID of the playername in the WHERE clause
    – magl1te
    Commented Dec 28, 2014 at 19:24
  • Isnt the ID being consumed at the start of the select statement? If you want it to get the id from all the rows under [user] you will have to remove the where, if you don't then it will fill [player_location] with the single result the select returns. Commented Dec 28, 2014 at 19:28

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