As you, specialists, know in Java 8, interfaces can have static methods which have implementations inside themselves.

As I have read in a related tutorial, the classes which implement such interface can use its static methods. But, I have a problem which, here, I show it in a simpler example than what I have

public interface Interface1{
    public static void printName(){

when I implement such interface

public class Class1 implements Interface1{
    public void doSomeThing() {

I encounter compile error.

The method printName() is undefined for the type Class1

What's the problem?

  • In your example you are trying to call method printName();. The compilation error you are getting is because there is no method in your class "Class1" named as printName(); and compiler is trying to find that method in your class only.
    – foxt7ot
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 16:35
  • 3
    "As I have read in a related tutorial, the classes which implement such interface can use its static methods." They can, yes -- as can classes that don't implement the interface. In both cases, you have to qualify the call (Interface1.printName();). If the tutorial suggested the above should work, though, it's simply wrong. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 16:53

1 Answer 1


From the Java Language Specification,

A class C inherits from its direct superclass all concrete methods m (both static and instance) of the superclass for which all of the following are true:

  • [...]

A class C inherits from its direct superclass and direct superinterfaces all abstract and default (§9.4) methods m for which all of the following are true:

  • [...]

A class does not inherit static methods from its superinterfaces.

So that method is not inherited.

You can statically import the member

import static com.example.Interface1.printName;

or use it with the fully qualified type name


or import the type to which printName belongs and invoke it with its short name

import static com.example.Interface1;
  • 16
    More generally... this reflects a (deliberate) asymmetry between the treatment of static methods in classes and in interfaces -- static methods in classes are inherited by subtypes, but static methods in interfaces are not. This was a carefully-considered decision; after all, confusion like the OPs question is the natural result of introducing such asymmetries. However, the EG strongly felt that existing inheritance of static methods in classes was essentially a design bug, and that extending it to interfaces would create many confusing multiple-inheritance corner cases for little benefit. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 18:05

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