I'm using a python library named Brian to do a simple simulation. In Brian I have one plot using two subplots that are displayed using


from internally calculated data.

When using my old laptop, the plots work fine, but when I run the unaltered script on a new laptop with a fresh install of Lubuntu 14.04, I only get a blank plot.

I used pip to install numpy, scipy, matplotlib, sympy, and I used apt-get / aptitude to install their dependencies.

How can I fix this?

  • I have no idea what brian is, but you likely need to configure matplotlib to use an interactive backend. plenty of info on SO and the web about choosing backends for matplotlib.
    – Paul H
    Commented Nov 21, 2014 at 6:20

1 Answer 1


I fixed the problem actually.

On the old computer I had matplotlib 1.4.0 installed, on the new on I had 1.4.2.

I reverted to 1.4.0 on the new one and it works!

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