I was not able to find any reference about syntax of the PowerShell -like operator.

Windows PowerShell reference on comparison operators states only:

Description: Match using the wildcard character (*).

Though by experimenting I've found that it also supports the ? and the [] (set).

Is there any other syntax supported? Is there any definitive reference to the -like operator?

1 Answer 1


The help for about_Comparison_Operators indeed claims wildcard support. It fails to specify what, exactly, a wildcard is.

-Like Description: Match using the wildcard character (*).

Further digging into help about_Wildcards we learn that these aren't your grandpa's wildcards:

Windows PowerShell supports the following wildcard characters.

    Wildcard Description        Example  Match             No match
    -------- ------------------ -------- ----------------- --------
    *        Matches zero or    a*       A, ag, Apple      banana
             more characters

    ?        Matches exactly    ?n       an, in, on        ran
             one character in 
             the specified 

    [ ]      Matches a range    [a-l]ook book, cook, look  took
             of characters

    [ ]      Matches specified  [bc]ook  book, cook        hook

The link to wildcard help is mentioned on the See also -section in about_Comparision_Operators help.

  • 1
    PowerShell globbing is more like Unix shells than CMD. Commented Nov 6, 2014 at 12:07
  • If you want to match the * character specifically, put it in brackets [*]. Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 20:14

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