I have whitespace characters showing in the Visual Studio code editor, and I'd like to remove them.


4 Answers 4


Ajryan is correct but depending on your profile this menu item may be obscured. The keyboard shortcut should still work though. Ctrl+R,Ctrl+W


You need to turn off showing whitespace characters. Menu: Edit > Advanced > View White Space.

  • 2
    The color of visible white space can be changed at Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts And Colors->Display items: Visible White Space on VS2017.
    – zwcloud
    Commented Aug 24, 2018 at 2:18

If it is VS2008 then you can use Ctrl+E, S combination to toggle.


For Visual Studio 2019:

  • Toggle on/off - Option 1: Ctrl+R,Ctrl+W
  • Toggle on/off - Option 2: Edit > Advanced > View White Space
  • Change appearance: Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Visible White Space (near top of list, probably because it is a commonly used setting)
  • I could not guess the name they would use, "Visible White Space", and then could not find it in the list. "near top of list" is a valuable info - this comment is for other developers, to notice. Commented Jan 16 at 22:10