I'm implementing a game in Java, using the classes shown below to control the game logic. I try to be very clear when explaining my question.

  • GamePanel

    • I use this class to start the game loop with a thread (only game loop)

      public void run() {
      init(); //initialize gamePanel components
      // game loop
      while (running) {
            start = System.nanoTime();
            Graphics g2 = getGraphics();
            g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
            elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;
            wait = targetTime - elapsed / 1000000;
            if (wait < 0)
          wait = 5;
           try {
           } catch (Exception e) {
  • GameManager

    • I made this class to control each aspect of the game as (update,graphics)

      private void loadState(int state) {
      if (state == States.MENU.getValue())
      gameState = new Menu(this);
      else if (state == States.GAME.getValue())
      gameState = new Game(this);
      else if (state == States.PATHSELECT.getValue())
      gameState = new SelectPath(this);
      public void update() {
      if (gameState != null)
      public void draw(java.awt.Graphics2D graphic) {
       if (gameState != null)
       else {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
  • Gamestate

    • GameState is an abstract class that receives, as a constructor parameter, an instance of GameManager and it has abstract methods implemented in each GameState (Menu,Game,MultiPlayer,etc..)

    • this class has these abstract methods:

      • controller() -> that verify the state logic

      • update() -> in case of the currentState is a MultyPlayer , this method call the update method of the class Player , etc...

      • draw(Graphics g) -> draw to screen the objects of the currentState

I thought of making a utility class singleton that implements all the draw() of each state, but it is very nasty to insert all in a single class.


instead of calling gameState.draw(graphic); I call Render.getRenderInstance().draw(graphic,gameState); this solutions works, but I don't like it.

So how can I divide the draw method from the rest of the logic in a pretty way?

Some advice? Thank you.

  • 2
    I suggest you to ask this question at gamedev.stackexchange.com, since questions regarding game rendering pipeline are too specific.
    – setec
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 7:53

1 Answer 1


The usual approach is to divide the game into two parts:

  • the logic, which looks to be done OK in your case

  • the scene, where things are drawn

Here in pseudocode is how I do it:

the main loop:

In the scene you should have all your graphics operations. You should be able to add new graphics to the scene using a call similar to this:

scene.addObject(SomeGraphic graphic);

So the scene would render that graphic every main loop iteration.

To let this happen you should keep a list or another collection inside the Scene class and render every object every tick. So the actuall scene.render() would look like so:

public void render() {
  for(SomeGraphic graphic : objects) {

You will be able then to control what is on the scene from the game logic - you will be able to add and delete objects etc.


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