1. Are numeric constant makros like M_PI known from the C-library math.h part of the C++ standard?
    I cannot find them in my reference.

  2. What is the best way to define custom constants?
    Is a constants.hpp with static constexpr int foo = 7; with a special namespace a good solution?

  3. If the makros from question 1 do exist, should I prefer them for readability or define my own constants (like in 2 or in a better way) for type safety?


3 Answers 3


You could use boost -

#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>

using namespace  boost::math::constants;

double circumference(double radius)
    return radius * 2 * pi<double>();

see the documentation


Neither the C Standard nor the C++ Standard defines constant M_PI.

There is no sense to use keyword static in a constant definition because by default constants have internal linkage.

Before defining a constant you should look through the POSIX standard.

  1. M_PI is not standard.

  2. I think this is more of a preference. I've seen the following methods:

    #define PI 3.1415
    const double PI = 3.1415;
    const double kPi = 3.1415;
  3. Again, I think its a preference or it could depend on what you are actually doing. Also try this:

    #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
    #include <math.h>

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