I'm trying to do the CMake file for a library I'm working on. The "project" is quite simple : 2 classes, and the use of the Boost library.

I've done the CMakeLists this way:

project("TFTP Server")

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

set(Boost_DEFAULT_VERSION 1.53)
set(Boost_COMPONENTS "system")

include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})


# set up the main project

It finds the Boost library, then I got that:

> cmake .. -G "Xcode"
-- Boost version: 1.53.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
-- Found boost in /usr/local/include/boost-1_53, using libraries /usr/local/lib/libboost_system-clang-darwin42-mt-1_53.a
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

CMake Error:
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  Expression syntax not recognized.

Without the "SHARE" option, it builds the project (but I don't have any library target).

Any idea about what I'm doing wrong ? I'm using CMake under OSX and try to build an xcode project.

Thanks !

1 Answer 1


the name argument add_library is used to create the name of a shared library

The corresponds to the logical target name and must be globally unique within a project. The actual file name of the library built is constructed based on conventions of the native platform (such as lib.a or .lib).

So it should not contain the character /

  • Thanks ! That was the problem. Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 8:30

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