I have been searching for quite some time to read an "official statement" on this matter, but found none. Therefore, could anyone please indicate a reference or point to some news on this? What version of JasperReports has support for Java 8, or at least is there partial support available? (or is it "trial and error"?)

Some posts on the Jasper community forum seem to indicate that iReport and JasperReports Server does not provide Java 8 support yet. On the other hand, I see some indications that it does, at least in part (http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3498). It is a bit confusing.

3 Answers 3


As far as i know, JasperReport does not support Java 8 yet, just like you said. In this post a member of JasperSoft staff clearly states that they will introduce it on later versions of their library, so i would trust him: JasperReport - Java 8 compatibility.

  • Yes, apparently no word on this even in the just released JasperReports 5.5.2. Seems we either wait or "trial and error" it.
    – acostache
    Commented May 1, 2014 at 17:49

We are not aware of any issue with running JasperReports Library on Java 8.

At some point we needed to upgrade the JDT compiler to support Java 8, but after doing so, there were no other issues we know about.

  • Teodor, What is planning date of release with Java 8 support?
    – Alex K
    Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 15:07
  • Thank you for the answer, Teodor. I trust others will find this useful also.
    – acostache
    Commented Jun 3, 2016 at 1:33
  • Alex, JR Lib already works with Java 8. Have you tried it and it did not work? Commented Jun 4, 2016 at 7:17
  • @TeodorDanciu At some point we needed to upgrade the JDT compiler to support Java 8, but after doing so, there were no other issues we know about. - What do you mean?
    – Alex K
    Commented Jun 6, 2016 at 21:14
  • What I meant is that the only Java 8 related problem that we know about was that the JDT compiler version 3.1.1 that we were using prior to JR 6.0.0 did not support Java 8. We use a Java compiler to produce bytecode out of the expressions inside JRXML templates. Starting with JR 6.0.0 we upgraded the JDT compiler to version 4.3.1 (now known as Eclipse Java Compiler) and there should be no issue running JR Lib on Java 8. Commented Jun 17, 2016 at 10:47

Yes Java 8 support jasper report i am using jasperreport version 6.0.0 with java 8 and it is working as per expectation

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