I wish android app to run background service that will do HTTP request every minute and show notifition when server will return certain code.

I did that and I marked server as START_STICKY to keep it in memory. But after few days I noticed service is not running.

How to debug that situation? Android was not rebooting for 21 days according to uptime

I exppected that if android unloads service when low memory then it will run it again later. It has not killed any other service like games

        // queries HTTP server
    }catch(Exception ex){}

What may kill service and how do I make it more stable like vibers or skypes

1 Answer 1


There is no way to keep a single process running forever, in Android. START_STICKY will not save it!

Have a look at the AlarmService. You should be able to accomplish your goal by scheduling the delivery of an intent, to your app, every minute.

Be aware that this is a pretty battery-unfriendly thing to do. People get pretty sensitive about battery use, and scheduling an HTTP request every minute is gonna kill it.

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