I have jQuery carousel that I'm trying to add an interval scroll to without changing the core of the code. I'm doing this by simulating a click on an interval, which runs just fine.

But I do not want the click to happen if the user is hovered over the carousel container.

    var tid = setInterval(carouselClick, 5000);
    var isHovered = jQuery('.jcarousel-clip').is(':hover');
    function carouselClick() {

        if (!isHovered){

I put in the #test bit to check the hover state when the function runs and it always returns false.

  • I will add html structure if necessary, but I have already double checked for typos.
    – Plummer
    Commented Feb 20, 2014 at 15:51

1 Answer 1


You need to put the isHovered inside the click function

var tid = setInterval(carouselClick, 5000);

function carouselClick() {
    var isHovered = jQuery('.jcarousel-clip').is(':hover');
    if (!isHovered){

If you leave it outside, then the value of isHovered will always be the same, which is the value when it first runs


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