I'm perplexed about how best to use pip in the face of security concerns about malicious packages or install scripts. I'm not much of a security expert, so I may just be confused (bear with me), but it seems that there are 4, possibly overlapping, approaches:

(1) Use sudo pip for everything

This is how I do things now. I generally do not need virtualenvs and like the convenience of having all my packages work for all my tools. I also don't install a lot of experimental packages, sticking pretty much to the well-known and widely used ones (matplotlib, six, etc).

I gather this can be a risky approach though because the installation process has su privileges, and could potentially do anything; however it has the advantage of protecting the site-packages directory from subsequent mischief by anything (not just packages) running as non-su after an install.

This approach also can't be completely avoided, as some packages (pip itself) need it to bootstrap any Python installation.

(2) Create a pip user and give it ownership of site-packages

This would seem to have the advantage of restricting what pip can do: all it can do is install to site-packages. But I'm not sure about side effects, or if it would even work (when, for example pip needs to put things in other locations). A more realistic variant of this is to set things up this way, and use pip as "pip-user" when it works, and as su when it doesn't.

(3) Give myself ownership of site-packages

I gather this is a very had idea, but I'm not sure quite why. It would mean that any code I run would be able to tamper with site-packages; but it would mean that malicious install scripts could only damage things I can damage myself anyway.

(4) "Use a virtualenv"

This suggestion comes up a lot, but I don't see how it helps. It seems no different from 3 to me since it creates a site-packages that I own.

Which, if any of these approaches, or combinations of approaches, is best for ensuring that pip does not result in exposing my system? My concern is mostly with my system as a whole, and only secondarily with my Python installation in site-packages (which I can always rebuild if need be).

Part of the problem I have, is that a don't know how to weigh the risks. An example approach, that seems to make sense to my limited understanding is simply to do (1) for the most part, and use a virtualenv (4) for any package that I worry might damage my site-packages. Anything I've installed will still be able to damage anything I have access to, but that seems unavoidable, and at least things I don't have access to will be safe (except during the installation process itself). But I have trouble evaluating whether the protection this affords is worth the risk it creates.

  • If you think 3 and 4 are quite the same, I suggest you to read more what a virtualenv is. From the doc (docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs): A Virtual Environment, put simply, is an isolated working copy of Python which allows you to work on a specific project without worry of affecting other projects. Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 22:33
  • 1
    @AndreadeMarco: Yes, but if an install script is malicious, it will do damage wherever it wants, won' it? And if something malicious has been installed in site-packages it's no different from something malicious installed anywhere — it will run with as me and do whatever damage I could do.
    – orome
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 22:36
  • The key difference being that a virtualenv is "an isolated working copy of python"
    – yuvi
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 22:40
  • Probably i miss what means malicious for you. Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 22:42
  • 1
    @yuvi: In what sense would a virtualenv be "isolated" from the kind of malicious behavior I describe on the previous comment (either during the installation process, or after)?
    – orome
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 22:45

1 Answer 1


You probably want to look at using a virtualenv. To quote the docs:

Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions.

Virtualenv will create a folder with an isolated copy of python, an isolated pip and an isolated site-packages. You're thinking that this is the same as option 3 because you're taking that advice you linked at face value and not reading into it:

If you give yourself write privilege to the system site-packages, you're risking that any program that runs under you (not necessarily python program) can inject malicious code into the system site-packages and obtain root privilege.

The problem is not with having access to site-packages (you have to have privilages for site-packages to be able to do anything). The problem is with having access to the system site-packages. A virtual environment's site-packages does not expose root privilages to malicious code the same as the one that your entire system is using.

However, I see nothing wrong with using sudo pip for well known and familiar packages. At the end of the day, it's like installing any other program, even non-python. If you go to its website and it looks honest and you trust it, there's no reason not to sudo.

moreover, pip is pretty safe - it uses https for pypi and if you --allow-external it will download packages from third-party, but will still keep checksums on pypi and compare them. For third-party with no checksum you need to explicitly call --allow-unverified which is the only option considered unsafe.

As a personal note, I can add that I use sudo pip most of the times, but as a WEB developer virtualenv is kind of a day-to-day thing, and I can recommend using it as well (especially if you see anything sketchy but you still want to try it out).

  • How, specifically, is that different from option (3)? That's what's not clear to me.
    – orome
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 23:24
  • So when I pip in the system site-packages (e.g., on OSX /Library/Python/X.X/site-packages/, even if I own the directory, a malicious install script could acquire root privileges? And this is not the case when I pip in a virtualenv?
    – orome
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 23:37
  • Yes, exactly. That's why the system pip needs sudo privilages to work and the virtual one doesn't
    – yuvi
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 23:40
  • It would still need sudo if I took ownership site-packages? That's now how I was interpreting the suggestion.
    – orome
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 23:42
  • 1
    But how is it different? Other than the fact that I'm obviously installing over the system site-packages and could accidentally disrupt the system Python installation, how does it create a different security risk for my entire machine. What's different about malicious code running in the system's site-packages (that I own) or during installation there, vs. a site-packages in another location that I own?
    – orome
    Commented Jan 12, 2014 at 13:25

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