Hi want to perform the applyParameters function after a 5 second delay. However my current syntax isn't doing it.

Any idea about how to do this?

//Add and update categories
                var categories = homeData['categories'];
                for(var catIndex in categories){
                    var category = categories[catIndex];

                $scope.search.text = homeData['keyword'];

                //Pick first company in the results
                $scope.updateSelectedCompany( response.data[0] );

                //populate parameters if passed in after 1 second delay
                $timeout($scope.applyParameters($routeParams.param1), 5000);

1 Answer 1


Wrap your code in a function:

}, 5000);

Currently $scope.applyParameters($routeParams.param1) is evaluated and Angular tries to call the return value of applyParameters as a function.

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