So I'm trying to learn git and I'm trying to make a git repo on my Debian virtual machine and play around with some files in order to learn the git commands. I've installed git core files, then I did the steps from this tutorial

So i created the git user, created a /home/git/mydir.git and in it I executed git --bare init

This is the step I'm stuck at. From what I've read so far, I need to go in the folder where my project files are at, and run:

git remote add central git@debianvm:myrepo.git

to add a central repo, but it doesn't work, it says not a git repository. What am I missing? are there any steps or something that I need to perform? I'm a little confused about git bare repo and central repo concepts. Any advices or links on starting with git repositories would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Do git clone git@debianvm:myrepo.git. It will create local repo for you.

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