I have a very simple shell script which is failing at if-else. And I am not able to understand what is wrong. I checked my syntax and indentation.

    read -p "Do you want to preserve $EIP_HOME/conf and $EIP_HOME/installer/.datastore? [Y/N] " usr_in


    if [ "$usr_in" == "y*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "Y*" ]; then
        if [ "$usr_in" == "n*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "N*" ]; then
            echo "Invalid input"


It is giving me the following error: syntax error near unexpected token `else'

  • I've updated my answer to address another problem in your function. Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 23:01

1 Answer 1


To call a function with no arguments, just use the name of the function. Empty parentheses are not necessary, and in fact are a syntax error. (Or, more precisely, it's part of the syntax for a function definition, and if you try to use it as a function call you'll get a syntax error message later -- if you're lucky.)

The idea is that a call to a shell function looks and acts like an invocation of an external program.

For example, change:




(Using elif rather than else followed by if is a good idea, but it's not the cause of the problem you're seeing.)

There's another problem that you won't see until you get past the syntax error (thanks to Sam for pointing it out in a comment). This:

if [ "$usr_in" == "y*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "Y*" ]; then

isn't going to work correctly; the == operator used by the [ / test built-in doesn't do wildcard matching. If you're using bash, you can use [[ rather than [, and you can also combine the y and Y cases into a single pattern:

if [[ "$usr_in" == [yY]* ]] ; then
elif [[ "$usr_in" == [nN]* ]] ; then

If you don't have a shell that supports that syntax, a case statement might be your next best bet -- in fact that's probably even cleaner than the if version:

case "$usr_in" in
  • 1
    To add to this: a function definition doesn't need to start with curly braces; it just needs a compound statement. Since if is a compound statement, your call to kill_java actually starts a new function definition. The "call" to preserve_conf is followed by else, which is not (the beginning of) a compound statement, and so you finally get a syntax error.
    – chepner
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 21:33
  • 1
    So technically, calling a function with empty parentheses isn't a syntax error, but it is the syntax for defining a function, so the code that follows it will likely cause a syntax error.
    – chepner
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 21:36
  • 1
    Thank you for the comments. I updated the code for function call which is mentioned here but I missed on elif. Thanks.
    – itsh
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 21:46
  • the comments above are correct. But I'm just wondering what shell are you using that you can match wildcards in == comparison? It's no sh, bash, zsh or ksh. Are you sure it's valid?
    – Sam
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 22:42
  • @Sam: Good catch. Probably the OP hadn't noticed that problem yet, because the script was dying due to the syntax error. Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 22:51

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