I want to start development in Firefox OS . So I want some blog tutorials or video tutorials for getting started. Sample code also will be sufficient.

  • Do you accept french blog ?
    – Progi1984
    Commented Jul 17, 2013 at 9:15

6 Answers 6


First of all, learn what a manifest file is(provided that you already know JS, CSS and HTML5 technologies): App Manifest

Then grab the Firefox OS simulator addon for Firefox(latest release - stable/unstable) and do as the MDN says. That's it!

I ported my HTML5 game to Firefox OS without that much tweaking, it's so easy! Hope that helps :)


I have written a series of tutorials on the Firefox OS. Please find the entire series over here: http://rominirani.com/category/mobile-2/firefox-os/


Follow http://buildingfirefoxos.com/. It's the best place to build apps for Firefox OS


here is the best tutorial for starting firefox os development, with hello world sample application.


Refer to this answer for a quite comprehensive list on where to start developing for Firefox OS.


There is a screencast series called Firefox OS App Basics by Christian Heilmann, Sergi Mansilla and me.

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