I need to add more logs to several classes of specific java module (module is compiled, no sources available). I have successfully extracted sources, but i am confused on which JDK version is to be used to re-compile modified classes.

javap -verbose className.class


major version: 46

Doesn't 46 version mean that initially class were compiled with JDK 1.2 But source file contains imports from java nio:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

which was implemented in the java 5 The question is: How its can be?

+ the whole systems running under open-jdk 1.5
+ date of creation module ~2006 year

1 Answer 1


The compiler generates class files compatible withh older versions when you use the -target command line switch.

The files you have were probably compiled with -source 1.2 target 1.2. The compatibility only affects what bytecode instructions are used, it doesn't stop you from using newer APIs.

  • Joni, so actualy itl means that sources where compiled for e.x. under JDK 1.5 and set compatibility level for 1.2?
    – TreeStan
    Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 8:08

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