How do I force pytest to show the results in color, even when writing to a pipe? There does not seem to be any command line option to do so.


3 Answers 3


As of 2.5.0 py.test has the option --color=yes

As of 2.7.0, it should be also possible to do:

export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--color=yes"

The "py" library that pytest uses will not use color if it doesn't detect a terminal. I ended up making a change to it to allow setting an enviroment variable (PY_FORCE_COLOR=1) to force the color.

I submitted a PR for this: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py/pull-request/10/add-an-environment-variable-py_force_color

For now, I install my fork to do this:

pip install hg+https://[email protected]/msabramo/py@py_force_color

  • 4
    as said there, i think we should introduce a direct --color=yes|no|auto option to pytest.
    – hpk42
    Commented Nov 18, 2013 at 9:53
  • 4
    py.test now has the option that @hpk42 mentioned. Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 8:18

There's a library that I have not tried but sounds promising. It's pytest-rich. See: https://github.com/nicoddemus/pytest-rich

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