I remember that there was some type of decorator to exclude certain classes from being show while debugging.


Have multiple classes. If debugger jumps to another class (thread) during debugging, that can be very anoying. Some helper classes should rather be stepepd over.

But I just can't find this decorator anywhere. Does anyone remember how to exclude a file so that debugger does not step into it?

3 Answers 3


You're probably looking for DebuggerStepThrough attribute.


You are looking for the DebuggerStepThroughAttribute.

You can apply this attribute to a class, a method, a struct or a constructor. Remember that the debugger will always step through the code that is flagged with this attribute, even if you put a breakpoint in it.


There is an attribute called DebuggerStepThrough: DebuggerStepThroughAttribute Class

Instructs the debugger to step through the code instead of stepping into the code. This class cannot be inherited.

It can be applied to class, struct, constructor and method.


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