I want to create my own picture taking UI in my app. Is this possible? I've seen lots of apps use this feature (other camera apps) who have a custom UI and after you take a picture it doesn't ask if you want to retake the photo. Also it would be nice if it didn't flip the photos taken with the front camera. So how would I do this??


  • Means u dont want any other SDKS like AVCAM. is it?
    – Ganapathy
    Commented Apr 8, 2013 at 15:13

2 Answers 2


You should use AVFoundation

try this code GLCamerRipple

and this as well SquareCam

basically you need to create a class that implements the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Protocol and start the session with the camera.


This is also a great option: https://github.com/piemonte/PBJVision

Alternatively if you want more control you can use AVFoundation as Janub mentioned

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