I am using set -e to abort on errors.

But for particular one function I want to ignore error and on error I want return code of the function.


do_work || true 
 if [ $? -ne 0 ] 
   echo "Error"

But it is not work return code is always true due || true

How to get return code on do_work on error ?

  • Why don't you disable exit on error just before that call?
    – Mat
    Commented Oct 22, 2012 at 11:25
  • @Mat ya that will work thanks. But for knowledge purpose is there a way I can capture return code ?
    – Vivek Goel
    Commented Oct 22, 2012 at 11:29

5 Answers 5

do_work || {
    echo "Error"

Several of the answers given here are not correct, because they result in a test against a variable that will be un-defined if do_work succeeds.

We need to cover the successful case as well, so the answer is:

set -eu
do_work && status=0 || status=1

The poster's question is a little ambiguous because it says in the text "on error I want return code" but then the code implies "I always want the return code"

To illustrate, here is problematic code:

set -e

do_work() {
    return 0


do_work || status=$?
echo $status

In this code the value printed is 123, and not 0 as we might hope for.

  • and what about "ignore error" part of the question?
    – jangorecki
    Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 13:53
  • It does exactly what I want: capturing the original exit code while sending a 0 exit code at the end of the command
    – Yujin Kim
    Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 11:30
  • @jangorecki the "ignore error" part is implicit by using the && (AND operator). Its right-hand operand must be executed in any case (to ensure that both operands are true). If do_work succeeds, then status=0 is executed and the || lazy-evaluation will not execute status=1 If it fails, the && expression fails || will have to run status=1 in order to know if the right-hand operand will make the || expression evaluate to true (given than the first operand evaluated to false (because of failure of first && operand). Commented Oct 31, 2022 at 8:47

You could use a subshell shortcut:

( set +e; do_work )
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]
   echo "Error"

Hope this helps =)


One way is to use a pipe, -e only looks at the right-most result of a pipe:

set -e

do_work | true

if (( $retn != 0 ))
    echo "Error $retn"
echo Ending

I wrote a simple do_work which just did exit 42 and got the following output:

Error 42

The PIPESTATUS array is maintained by Bash, with each element giving the return code of each part of the pipeline. We need to capture it at once (hence $retn) since it is overwritten at each command.

Of course this might be problematic if your do_work includes a pipe itself.

do_work || status=$?
if [ $status -ne 0 ]
    echo "Oh no - Fail whale $status has arrived"

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