Command pstree PID can show all subprocess information of the process specified by PID. However, I also want to know all parent process information of the process PID, how can I get it?

An example:

|- parent_process
|    `- current_process
|       |- subprocess_1
|       `- subprocess_2
`- other_process

What I want is when I run pstree current_process_pid, I want to get below output:

`- parent_process
    `- current_process
       |- subprocess_1
       `- subprocess_2

When I run pstree subprocess_1_pid, it will output:

`- parent_process
    `- current_process
       `- subprocess_1
  • Note: Using -l option of the pstree/ps commands shows long lines with command line arguments of the process. Helpful when you want to trace command line arguments for each process and see which command/script gets triggered (for example figure out which backend scripts are run for a web UI operation).
    – GuruM
    Commented Aug 6, 2013 at 12:50

3 Answers 3

# With my psmisc 22.20:
pstree -p -s PID

Maybe if with ps -ef:

awk -vPID=$1 '
function getParent ( pid ) {
    if (pid == "" || pid == "0") return;
    while ("ps -ef | grep "pid | getline) {
        if ($2 == pid) {
            print $8"("$2") Called By "$3;
    close ("ps -ef")

BEGIN { getParent(PID) }

This is ugly assuming ps output column and order. Actually one single run of ps -ef contains all info needed. This don't worth the time, I still recommend updating psmisc, it won't hurt.

EDIT: A mimic using single run ps -ef:

ps -ef | awk -vPID=$1 '
function getpp ( pid, pcmd, proc ) {
    for ( p in pcmd ) {
        if (p == pid) {
            getpp(proc[p], pcmd, proc);
            if (pid != PID) printf("%s(%s)───", pcmd[pid], pid);

NR > 1 {
    # pid=>cmd
    pcmd[$2] = $8;
    # pid=>Parent
    pproc[$2] = $3;

    getpp(PID, pcmd, pproc);
    printf "\n";
    system("pstree -p "PID);
  • 3
    -s option not supported by my pstree which installed by psmisc-22.2-7.el5_6.2 Commented Oct 15, 2012 at 4:06
  • 2
    As a mnemonic I remember the args as laps as in pstree -laps <pid> to get the branch with additional information.
    – haridsv
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 12:14
  • @MeaCulpa hmm for me pstree -p -s PID doesn't work, but pstree -s -p PID works... on mac
    – lnshi
    Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 4:23

I found laps options mentioned by @haridsv (pstree -laps <pid>) being a solution. It was a bit verbose for me though, so I'd stick to a shorter aps output.

To get the process tree of the current process (its ID is $$ in Bash):

pstree -aps $$

That prints the process tree like this:

          └─pstree,86904 -aps 86742
  • (using pstree (PSmisc) 23.4) for maximum verbosity: pstree -calpsSngtuZ $SOME_PID
    – Abdull
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 6:46

One-liner Linux-only POSIX shell. Works in busybox and every other Linux system:

pl() { for f in /proc/$1/task/*/children;do l=""; [ -r $f ] &&read l<$f;for p in $l;do echo $p; pl $p; done; done; }

Usage: run sleep 10000 & then echo $(pl $$) will show you all subprocesses below this ($$) shell, which will only be the one sleep proc currently. But, if that sleep proc spawned children, then pl would recursively descend until it found all children

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