Say I have an iterator.
After iterating over a few items of the iterator, I will have to get rid of these first few items and return an iterator(preferably the same) with the rest of the items. How do I go about? Also, Do iterators support remove or pop operations (like lists)?

2 Answers 2


Yes, just use iter.next()


iter = xrange(3).__iter__()

iter.next() # this pops 0

for i in iter:
  print i


You can pop off the front of an iterator with .next(). You cannot do any other fancy operations.

  • 9
    The "official", recommended way, in Python 2.6 and later, is next(iter), not iter.next() [that continues to work in 2.6, but not in 3.*]. With next(x) you can supply a default value as the second argument to avoid getting a StopIteration exception if the iterator is exhausted. Commented Aug 3, 2009 at 4:28

The itertools.dropwhile() function might be helpful, too:

dropwhile(lambda x: x<5, xrange(10))

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