In the x86-64 Tour of Intel Manuals, I read

Perhaps the most surprising fact is that an instruction such as MOV EAX, EBX automatically zeroes upper 32 bits of RAX register.

The Intel documentation ( General-Purpose Registers in 64-Bit Mode in the manual Basic Architecture) quoted at the same source tells us:

  • 64-bit operands generate a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register.
  • 32-bit operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register.
  • 8-bit and 16-bit operands generate an 8-bit or 16-bit result. The upper 56 bits or 48 bits (respectively) of the destination general-purpose register are not be modified by the operation. If the result of an 8-bit or 16-bit operation is intended for 64-bit address calculation, explicitly sign-extend the register to the full 64-bits.

In x86-32 and x86-64 assembly, 16 bit instructions such as

mov ax, bx

don't show this kind of "strange" behaviour that the upper word of eax is zeroed.

Thus: what is the reason why this behaviour was introduced? At a first glance it seems illogical (but the reason might be that I am used to the quirks of x86-32 assembly).


4 Answers 4


I'm not AMD or speaking for them, but I would have done it the same way. Because zeroing the high half doesn't create a dependency on the previous value, that the CPU would have to wait on. The register renaming mechanism would essentially be defeated if it wasn't done that way.

This way you can write fast code using 32-bit values in 64-bit mode without having to explicitly break dependencies all the time. Without this behaviour, every single 32-bit instruction in 64-bit mode would have to wait on something that happened before, even though that high part would almost never be used. (Making int 64-bit would waste cache footprint and memory bandwidth; x86-64 most efficiently supports 32 and 64-bit operand sizes)

The behaviour for 8 and 16-bit operand sizes is the strange one. The dependency madness is one of the reasons that 16-bit instructions are avoided now. x86-64 inherited this from 8086 for 8-bit and 386 for 16-bit, and decided to have 8 and 16-bit registers work the same way in 64-bit mode as they do in 32-bit mode.

See also Why doesn't GCC use partial registers? for practical details of how writes to 8 and 16-bit partial registers (and subsequent reads of the full register) are handled by real CPUs.

  • 9
    I don't think it's strange, I think they didn't want to break too much and kept the old behavior there. Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 11:56
  • 8
    @Alex when they introduced 32bit mode, there was no old behaviour for the high part. There was no high part before.. Of course after that it couldn't be changed anymore.
    – user555045
    Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 11:59
  • 4
    I interpreted your "The behaviour for 16bit instructions is the strange one" as "it's strange that zero-extension doesn't happen with 16-bit operands in 64-bit mode". Hence my comments about keeping it the same way in 64-bit mode for better compatibility. Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 12:09
  • 9
    @Alex oh I see. Ok. I don't think it's strange from that perspective. Just from a "looking back, maybe it wasn't such a good idea"-perspective. Guess I should have been clearer :)
    – user555045
    Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 12:12
  • 3
    The logic for 16-bit commands can be "If we have to keep compatibility and so dependency on bits 16-31 of the previous register value, clearing bits 32-63 won't save us. So, omit this clearing totally." This isn't the most x86-64 weirdness, anyway.
    – Netch
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 10:32

It simply saves space in the instructions, and the instruction set. You can move small immediate values to a 64-bit register by using existing (32-bit) instructions.

It also saves you from having to encode 8 byte values for MOV RAX, 42, when MOV EAX, 42 can be reused.

This optimization is not as important for 8 and 16 bit ops (because they are smaller), and changing the rules there would also break old code.

  • 7
    If that's correct, wouldn't it have made more sense for it to sign-extend rather than 0 extend? Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 11:54
  • 19
    Sign extension is slower, even in hardware. Zero extension can be done in parallel with whatever computation produces the lower half, but sign extension can't be done until (at least the sign of) the lower half has been computed. Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 14:26
  • 14
    Another related trick is to use XOR EAX, EAX because XOR RAX, RAX would need an REX prefix.
    – Neil
    Commented Oct 2, 2013 at 9:12
  • 4
    @Nubok: Sure, they could have added an encoding of movzx / movsx that takes an immediate argument. Most of the time it's more convenient to have the upper bits zeroed, so you can use a value as an array index (because all regs have to be the same size in an effective address: [rsi + edx] isn't allowed). Of course avoiding false dependencies / partial-register stalls (the other answer) is another major reason. Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 2:51
  • 5
    and changing the rules there would also break old code. Old code can't run in 64-bit mode anyway (e.g. 1-byte inc/dec are REX prefixes); this is irrelevant. The reason for not cleaning up the warts of x86 is fewer differences between long mode and compat/legacy modes, so fewer instructions have to decode differently depending on mode. AMD didn't know AMD64 was going to catch on, and was unfortunately very conservative so it would take fewer transistors to support. Long-term, it would have been fine if compilers and humans had to remember which things work differently in 64-bit mode. Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 18:37

Without zero extending to 64 bits, it would mean an instruction reading from rax would have 2 dependencies for its rax operand (the instruction that writes to eax and the instruction that writes to rax before it), this would result in a partial register stall, which starts to get tricky when there are 3 possible widths, so it helps that rax and eax write to the full register, meaning the 64-bit instruction set doesn't introduce any new layers of partial renaming.

mov rdx, 1
mov rax, 6
imul rax, rdx
mov rbx, rax
mov eax, 7 //retires before add rax, 6
mov rdx, rax // has to wait for both imul rax, rdx and mov eax, 7 to finish before dispatch to the execution units, even though the higher order bits are identical anyway

The only benefit of not zero extending is ensuring the higher order bits of rax are included, for instance, if it originally contains 0xffffffffffffffff, the result would be 0xffffffff00000007, but there's very little reason for the ISA to make this guarantee at such an expense, and it's more likely that the benefit of zero extension would actually be required more, so it saves the extra line of code mov rax, 0. By guaranteeing it will always be zero extended to 64 bits, the compilers can work with this axiom in mind whilst in mov rdx, rax, rax only has to wait for its single dependency, meaning it can begin execution quicker and retire, freeing up execution units. Furthermore, it also allows for more efficient zero idioms like xor eax, eax to zero rax without requiring a REX byte.

  • 1
    Partial-flags on Skylake at least does work by having separate inputs for CF vs. any of SPAZO. (So cmovbe is 2 uops but cmovb is 1). But no CPU that does any partial-register renaming does it the way you suggest. Instead they insert a merging uop if a partial reg is renamed separately from the full reg (i.e. is "dirty"). See Why doesn't GCC use partial registers? and How exactly do partial registers on Haswell/Skylake perform? Writing AL seems to have a false dependency on RAX, and AH is inconsistent Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 19:24
  • P6-family CPUs either stalled for ~3 cycles to insert a merging uop (Core2 / Nehalem), or earlier P6-family (P-M, PIII, PII, PPro) just stall for (at least?) ~6 cycles. Perhaps that is like you suggested in 2, waiting for the full reg value to be available via writeback to the permanent/architectural register file. Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 19:29
  • @PeterCordes oh, I knew about merging uops at least for partial flag stalls. Makes sense, but I forgot how it works for a minute; it clicked once but I forgot to make notes Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 20:03
  • 1
    @PeterCordes microarchitecture.pdf: This gives a delay of 5 - 6 clocks. The reason is that a temporary register has been assigned to AL to make it independent of AH. The execution unit has to wait until the write to AL has retired before it is possible to combine the value from AL with the value of the rest of EAX I can't find an example of the 'merging uop' that would be used to solve this though, same for a partial flag stall Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 21:09
  • Right, early P6 just stalls until writeback. Core2 and Nehalem insert a merging uop after/before? only stalling the front-end for a shorter time. Sandybridge inserts merging uops without stalling. (But AH-merging has to issue in a cycle by itself, while AL merging can be part of a full group.) Haswell/SKL doesn't rename AL separately from RAX at all, so mov al, [mem] is a micro-fused load+ALU-merge, only renaming AH, and an AH-merging uop still issues alone. The partial-flag merging mechanisms in these CPUs vary, e.g. Core2/Nehalem still just stall for partial-flags, unlike partial-reg. Commented Apr 1, 2020 at 2:30

From a hardware perspective, the ability to update half a register has always been somewhat expensive, but on the original 8088, it was useful to allow hand-written assembly code to treat the 8088 as having either two non-stack-related 16-bit registers and eight 8-bit registers, six non-stack-related 16-bit registers and zero 8-bit registers, or other intermediate combinations of 16-bit and 8-bit registers. Such usefulness was worth the extra cost.

When the 80386 added 32-bit registers, no facilities were provided to access just the top half of a register, but an instruction like ROR ESI,16 would be fast enough that there could still be value in being able to hold two 16-bit values in ESI and switch between them.

With the migration to x64 architecture, the increased register set and other architectural enhancements reduced the need for programmers to squeeze the maximum amount of information into each register. Further, register renaming increased the cost of doing partial register updates. If code were to do something like:

    mov rax,[whatever]
    mov [something],rax
    mov rax,[somethingElse]
    mov [yetAnother],rax

register renaming and related logic would make it possible to have the CPU record the fact that the value loaded from [whatever] will need to be written to something, and then--so long as the last two addresses are different--allow the load of somethingElse and store to yetAnother to be processed without having to wait for the data to actually be read from whatever. If the third instruction were mov eax,[somethingElse, however, and it were specified as leaving the upper bits unaffaected, the fourth instruction couldn't store RAX until the first load was completed, and even allowing even the load of EAX to occur would be difficult, since the processor would have to keep track of the fact that while the lower half was available, the upper half wasn't.

  • 1
    Zeroing upper bits implicitly also makes 5-byte mov eax, 1 (opcode + imm32) work as a way to set the full 64-bit register, instead of needing 7-byte mov rax, sign_extended_imm32 (REX + opcode + modrm + imm32) or 10-byte mov rax, imm64 (rex + opcode + imm64). And many other cases where zero-extending for free is useful, e.g. when using an unsigned 32-bit integer as an array index (part of an addressing mode), or a signed integer that's known to be non-negative. Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 1:39
  • So even apart from the false-dependency performance problems, it's more frequent that you want to clear high garbage than to merge with something. x86-64 could have had a movzx r64, r/m32 that you'd have to use every time you want that, but that would be worse. Especially if they want it to still be efficient to work with 32-bit integers like normal C type models (32-bit int, 64-bit pointers). Related: MOVZX missing 32 bit register to 64 bit register - some ISAs like MIPS64 have made different choices, like keeping narrow values sign-extended. Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 1:43
  • 1
    @PeterCordes: A lot of other answers mentioned register renaming, but I thought that people who weren't already familiar with the concept could benefit from a more complete example. From an hardware-complexity or instruction-set-usability standpoint, I don't think it would have been difficult to have a prefix that would facilitate e.g. "add rax,signed byte[whatever]" or "add rsi,unsigned word[whatever]", and the effect of instruction size on performance has, for most purposes, diminished to almost nothing. The real issue is that tracking the additional dependencies is expensive. BTW...
    – supercat
    Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 14:58
  • 2
    ...I've sometimes wondered whether it would make sense to have a "universal" ABI which uses modified symbol names for entry points based upon expected calling convention. If one had an entry point for use only when all registers used for passing smaller-than-64-bit arguments were known to be extended appropriately for their type, then a compiler could use that entry point in cases where it knew that all arguments registers were already set up suitably, and an entry point that would zero- or sign-extend values as needed for use when the caller couldn't guarantee that.
    – supercat
    Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 15:03
  • Yup, this is a nice clear and specific example of the false-dependency problem that implicit extension avoids. Already upvoted. And yeah, they probably could have repurposed some of the other removed opcodes (like AAA / AAM / etc.) as a 64-bit-mode source-size / signedness override if they wanted to extend everything to 64-bit. (But that would have made instructions like imul slower on K8 (64-bit multiply wasn't as fast as 32), unless that also set the operand-size and truncated / extended the result from 32-bit to fill a reg.) But comments here aren't the place to discuss further :/ Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 1:10

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