I found a ticket in our issue tracker that one of customers report a bug that one texts is incomplete! We have a text conversion program from one legacy system(IBM AS400) to a modern one. I tracked it and found an unknown behavior on my code!!

First see this: bug-full state

As you see, there is two char before first space (char32), but when i remove Trim(),the result is:

bug-free state

Yes, Trim() removes char160 from beginning! What happened that Trim() works more than need? Note: both pictures are captured in same test state.

  • is char 160 not a space in your encoding? or perhaps you are using the wrong code page?
    – Vlad
    Commented Jun 5, 2012 at 8:22
  • it's a right character i know. Commented Jun 5, 2012 at 8:32
  • this means that your codepage is wrong, because in cp1256 this character is a whitespace.
    – Vlad
    Commented Jun 5, 2012 at 8:34
  • based on your definition and of course cp1256, you're right. but my program has a MapTable for mapping that i'm right! :D Commented Jun 5, 2012 at 10:43

3 Answers 3


160 is a NBSP (Non-breaking space) and according to the documentation, Trim will remove all the whitespace. 160 is classified in Unicode as whitespace.

You might want to call Trim(' ') instead.


Trim() removes leading and trailing white space characters, and that's excactly what it is supposed to do.

char 160 is a non breaking space, which is one of the white space characters it eliminates.


Trim removes all white-space, not just spaces. If char 160 is a whitespace in code page 1256, Trim will remove it.

The following code shows that 32 and 160 are whitespace in codepage 1256:

        var chars = new byte[] {32,160,164 };
        var enc=Encoding.GetEncoding(1256);
        var str=enc.GetString(chars);
        foreach (var character in str)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", character, Char.IsWhiteSpace(character));



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