The scenario is this:

X1--X2--X3--X4--X5--X6 (master)
              D1--D2--D3 (dev)
                        B1--B2--B3 (bug1)

I want to move all commits from bug1 branch to master branch and get rid of bug1 branch. In this case:

X1--X2--X3--X4--X5--X6--B1--B2--B3 (master)
              D1--D2--D3 (dev)

What's the best option to do this?

  • 2
    +1 For great ASCII art and a clear question.
    – iblue
    Commented Feb 8, 2012 at 11:45

1 Answer 1


It should be a classic case of git rebase --onto

git rebase --onto master dev bug1
git checkout master
git merge bug1 # fast-forward merge

See also the ProGit Book for another example of rebase --onto.

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